Saturday, October 31, 2009

Initial Ideas

I have decided that for this assignment im going to stay close to home and photograph my family in my family home and going about there normal day to day business. I am also going to include my dog in the images as he is apart of my family just as much as everyone else is.

An idea i have had is photographing my family on a "saturday", every saturday my family all gathers together at my grandma's house and just chats and has some tea and watches television, all very normal, but this happens everyday and i just want to capture what goes on and take a back seat and look from afar at what goes on during "saturdays".

Another idea i have is just to photograph my mum and dad around the house and with the dog, just general family shots really. I will develop these ideas more after doing some research.


For this assigment we have been asked to take photographs of our close family and explore what goes on in day to day life etc. We are asked to investigate the world of our family and by doing so have been given these words which we can respond to:


We have been asked to research and analyse the work of one photographer of our choice and experiment and evaluate our own images.

My Final Image

This is my final image, im really pleased with the overall look of my shot, it took a while to get it just right with the lighting and everything seens as i had not had a go at taking photographs at night before, but it was well worth it!

I decided that for my final image i would use a shot where you could still tell that it was a bell but half of it was smashed. I think this works well as people will still wonder what it is, but it wont be too hard for them to tell when they look at it for a few seconds.

Overall im happy with this image and may use it in my portfolio.

Some of my Images


After researching Picasso i decided to go with the idea of photographing at night, i bought my bell that i was going to smash from a charity shop and i was then ready to have some fun and smash away!! I went out after it has been dark for a few hours and i smashed the glass bit by bit and took photographs of this whilst i was doing it. I enjoyed doing this assignment and would like to try some more night photography in the future as it's very different to shooting in the day. I am very happy with the overall affect that i have created with my image by shooting it at night under a street lamp and using the Tungsten setting on my camera to get the lighting correct and so that it was not too dark.

I'm definately doing to try more night photography!!! I am very happy and would not do anything differently if i was to do this same assignment again.