Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Initial Ideas

For this assignment we have been asked to take photographs of still life objects, we have been given nine words to focus our photographs upon and to give us some initial inspiration for the images.
These words are: Dead

I found being given the words really helpful in starting me off with the project and giving me some inspiration for my image making. The first words that i initially got ideas for were "Dead" for this i thought of using dead flowers or plants and even dead fruit. The next word that sprung to mind for me was "Broken" and i immediately thought of broken glass or plates. I came up with ideas for "Fragile" and "Delicate" also but i appeared to be getting the same objects for these words too, such as broken glass and flowers again.

So from this i came to the conclusion that i wanted to photograph either broken glass or flowers. I then started researching into different areas of still life and different artists that are relevant to the subject i am most interested in which coincides with the word "Broken".

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