Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My idea following my research of Picasso's work

After researching into Picasso i have decided that i am going to base my work around the key work "Broken". From seeing within Picasso's work that he used alot of shatterd fragments and shapes within his paintings i want to create something involving those things within my photograph.
Using the word "Broken" i have decided to focus on glass as my main object, as when broken i think glass would be a good choice for an interesting object with different shapes that will be made from the broken fragments of glass.

After going out today and looking in various charity shops i have found a piece of glasswear that is red and i thought this would add extra effect to the image rather than just plain glass. I am going to buy this glasswear from the charity shop and then smash it into fragments to get an interesting look. Earlier on in my blog i said that i wanted to try my hand at night photography as Picasso liked to work at night, so i have decided that i am going to place my shattered glass object under a street lamp at night and see what effect this gives to my image as i think it will make it more interesting that just being taken in the daytime.
The project is called "Signs of Life" and i think this will refer to signs of life in a way because you see smashed glass alot in communitys these days on the floor and around the streets so photographing it on its own and from a different perspective will show that there has been people there because of the smashed glass but there are no longer people there within my images.

1 comment:

  1. Where's your final shot Kerry - I want to see it so I can put my comments on here for you.
