Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Conclusion on my reseach of Picasso

After researching Picasso's work i have really been influenced by his Cubism movement and the way they look at fragments and different perspectives of objects. He also look at there shape and the way objects look from different viewpoints. I am very keen to explore this within my photography. Although Picasso did paintings and i am going to be taking photographs he has still influenced the way in which i was to construct my images. After finding out that Picasso worked on his paintings during the night i am also interested in doing my shots at night and trying my hand at some night photography as i have never done this before i think it may be quiet a challenge for me and will help give me images more of a difinitive out of the ordinary look to them. although within some of his paintings you could tell what the objects were they were still very abstract and fragmental i would like to try and achieve this within the subject that i photograph.

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